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Feeling frustrated? Not sure how to handle your kids’ behavior? Parents of young children know how important it is to set clear boundaries. The problem is that parents are often tempted to yell or scream when things don’t go as planned. This can make things worse rather than better, however, because a parent’s angry words always seem much more powerful than they actually are. That’s why you should follow these 7 practical tips to stop yelling at your kids!

#1 – Stand Up Straight

It sounds obvious, but non-verbal cues like body language have a real impact on how people respond to what we say.

If you want your kids to respect you, then standing up straight with good posture sets an example from which they can learn some vital life skills.

Kids also tend to mimic their parents’ body language, so if their parents are slouching on the couch then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to do so too!

#2 – Be Kind and Firm

Kids pick up on everything – that includes how angry or frustrated you feel about a particular situation. This doesn’t mean that it’s okay to lash out at them when you get upset though; in fact, it does quite the opposite because it sends them clear messages about what behavior is acceptable.

When all else fails, try to remain calm and avoid raising your voice above normal levels. Your kids will respond by doing exactly as you ask rather than engaging in a screaming match with you!

#3 – Remember Who’s in Charge

It can be tempting to give in to your child if they are throwing tantrums or refusing to listen whenever we don’t have time for an argument with them.


This can quickly lead to a lack of discipline, however, which is why it’s so important that you take control of any situation as soon as possible.

Explain calmly what is going to happen next rather than just giving in, no matter how much of a fuss they kick up about it!

#4 – Set Clear Boundaries

Time-outs might not seem like much fun but they are a vital part of raising kids who know how to behave properly in social situations.

In order to be successful, it’s important that you set clear boundaries right from the start so that everyone knows what is expected of them at all times.

This can be especially difficult when your child starts playing up because you don’t have an unlimited amount of time to spend dealing with their behavior – and that’s where time-outs come into play!

#5 – Don’t Expect Miracles Overnight!

Making big changes quickly doesn’t always pay off, which is why you should avoid expecting instant results whenever possible.

Children need plenty of time to adjust to new routines and expectations, which means that it can take several days or even weeks before there are any noticeable improvements in their behavior.

Patience is key here – don’t give up on a particular strategy just because your kids are being difficult at first!

#6 – Offer Positive Encouragement

Kids love positive reinforcement, so make sure that you point out what they have done well whenever possible. This might seem like an obvious parenting tip but it does actually work very well when applied properly!


If your kids are arguing with each other or misbehaving in some way then it’s important to take them aside before things get out of hand. Sometimes all it takes is a few kind words about how much you appreciate their efforts to keep them on track!

#7 – Keep Yourself Healthy and Happy

Parents who feel tired or overwhelmed by life often struggle to cope with any additional pressures from their children – especially if those children are going through changes of their own.

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