What are the Functions of Carbohydrates

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Carbohydrates are the body’s favorite fuel source. That is why scientists, athletes, and dieticians alike will always recommend that you get your main sources of carbohydrates from healthy sources. Carbohydrates are a major participant in everyday activities, such as going to work, going to school, and doing household chores. Functions of Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates can be a major player in everyday life, including going to work, going to school, and doing household chores. Carbohydrates can be a major player in everyday life, including going to work, going to school, and doing household chores. Let’s look into the role that carbohydrates play in our body!

Provide Energy

Providing enough energy for all the cellular activities needed to sustain life is your body’s top priority. Carbohydrates are the preferred source of this energy. This is because your body can use them so efficiently as a fuel supply. However, if your diet does not provide enough carbohydrates, your body will draw mainly upon proteins for fuel needs.

Spare Proteins

If necessary, your body can use proteins as an energy source. Your body is less efficient in using proteins for energy than it is in using carbohydrates. More importantly, if you eat too little carbohydrate, your body will not be able to use proteins for their major functions. These functions include building and maintaining cell structures. By eating adequate amounts of carbohydrates, you spare the proteins. That means you allow the proteins to be used for their more vital roles.

Break Down Fats

If the diet is too low in carbohydrates, the body cannot completely break down fats. Incompletely broken down fats form compounds called ketone bodies. These compounds then collect in the bloodstream, causing the blood to become more acidic than normal. This acidity can damage cells and organs. This condition is called ketosis. A person has the characteristic “nail polish remover’’ breath. He or she also feels nauseous and weak. If the ketosis continues the person can go into a coma and die.

Provide Bulk in the Diet

One other important function of carbohydrates is to add bulk to the diet. Fiber is the carbohydrate responsible for this task. It helps promote normal digestion and the elimination of body wastes.

Like the muscles in your arms and legs, the muscles in your digestive tract need a healthy workout. Fiber is the solid material that provides this workout, helping intestinal muscles retain their tone.

Fiber acts like a sponge. It absorbs water, which softens stools and helps prevent constipation. Softer stools are easier to pass, reducing the likelihood of hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in the rectum. Some fibers form gels that add bulk to stools. This helps relieve diarrhea.

Bulk in the diet has added benefits for people who are trying to lose weight. As fiber swells, it helps you feel full. Fiber also slows the rate at which the stomach empties. Fibrous food sources are ussually lower in calories than foods high in fat, too.


In conclusion, carbohydrates are one of the most primary nutrients that you need to function properly as an athlete. Need I remind you of the old Nike slogan, Just do it? Without carbohydrates, you cannot continue doing anything. So don’t neglect to keep up with the carbohydrate intake that your body needs to keep your athletic physique and mind strong.

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