What is High Blood Pressure?

What is High Blood Pressure?
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A few things about high blood pressure Do You know how your blood pumps through your veins and arteries, carrying all the nutrients and oxygen to your organs, tissues, and cells? We call this healthy circulation. But when blood pressure is too high, the pumping is tough for the heart. 

In short,

Types of Blood Pressure

There are several different types of high blood pressure. You might not even know it but you might be suffering from this condition.

The first type is called “primary hypertension”. With this condition, you could have experienced it for years without knowing that it is the cause. Its reason for occurrence is unknown.

The second type is called “essential hypertension”. This is usually because of hereditary factors, high cholesterol levels, elevated salt intake, obesity, and often high blood sugar.

The third type of hypertension is called “pregnancy-induced hypertension”. The elevated blood pressure lasts only during pregnancy and usually resolves shortly after giving birth.

What Do Your Blood Pressure Numbers Mean?

When the blood pressure reading is consistently 145/95 mm Hg or higher, even when you are relaxed, and you do not have diabetes or any other stress-related factors that are being addressed, you have high blood pressure.

Even if the blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg with medication and 110/70 mm Hg after a hypertensive crisis has resolved, you are still considered to be experiencing hypertension (blood pressure >120/80) on medication. So yes, this condition is a serious one.

A hypertensive crisis may last several days but can resolve on its own with medical treatment. In most cases, the cause of your high blood pressure will remain unknown despite a thorough exam and medical testing.

What are the Causes of High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is caused by excessive pressure exerted by the blood against the vessel walls. Usually, high blood pressure is a result of the heart working too hard, a narrowing of the arteries because of atherosclerosis, or a narrowing of the kidneys because of kidney disease.

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure

The best way to keep your blood pressure down is to reduce stress, exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, drink alcohol in moderation, take your meds when you are supposed to, stop smoking, and try to sleep well. 

Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Heart

High blood pressure places added stress on the heart. It contributes to heart disease by damaging the walls of the arteries. The walls then accumulate plaque more easily.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for high blood pressure currently, However, some people can control it through diet, exercise, and stress management. Doctors often prescribe medication for people who have trouble controlling their blood pressure.


In conclusion, high blood pressure is a serious condition and it is important that chronic levels of high blood pressure are monitored. You do need to make sure that you practice prevention, through a healthy diet and lifestyle, which will help you rule out any other possible causes of the symptoms you suffer from that could damage your body. As with any disease or condition, the best way to prevent long-term problems is to catch the problem early and that means taking regular checks to monitor your blood pressure as recommended by your doctor. 

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