What are the Different Types of Vegetarianism?

What are the Different Types of Vegetarianism?

Being vegetarian is the practice of consuming a diet in which you mainly eat plants. A typical menu for vegetarians includes fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. Some people choose a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons, while others do it in the hopes of living a long and healthy life. If you’re still not sure…

Vitamin A Fat Soluble

Vitamin A Fat Soluble

Ever wondered why Vitamins A, D, E, and K are called the fat–soluble vitamins? Its because they are soluble in organic solvents and are absorbed and transported in a manner similar to that of fats. In this blog post, I will dive into the role that vitamin A plays in our bodies. Why is Vitamin A Soluble in Fat? Vitamin…

What are the Benefits of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables?

What are the Benefits of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables?

 Eating more fruits and vegetables is important as they’re full of vitamins and minerals that you need to remain healthy and running at your best. They’re also a lot cheaper than buying things like processed foods and junk food, so it’s a win-win! Once you start eating more fruits and vegetables you’ll notice you have…

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. This can be attained by maintaining a balanced diet and keeping into consideration to meet all the essential nutrients required by the body. Below are 5 ways to Maintain a Healthy Diet Eat a Variety of Foods Many foods are good sources of several nutrients. However, no single food can supply all nutrients in…

How Do You Handle and Prepare Food Safely

How Do You Handle and Prepare Food Safely?

Following safety guidelines when preparing and serving food is another major part of the food safety picture. Cooking temperature kills most bacteria. Refrigerate Foods Promptly Temperatures of 60 to 125 F (16 to 52C) allow bacteria to grow rapidly. This is why you should never allow cooked foods to stay at room temperature for more…